Understanding Non-Monogamy Through Storytelling Jul 20, 2024

4 minute read

The Power of Storytelling in Non-Monogamy

I've read countless books on the subject. Seriously–my library is BURSTING. But few have resonated with me as deeply as Alex Alberto's memoir, Entwined: Essays on Polyamory and Creating Home. This genre-blending work offers a...

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Getting your (relational) needs met Jul 13, 2024

5 minute read

Identifying and Meeting Your Needs in Non-Monogamous Relationships

Are you struggling to get your needs met in your non-monogamous relationships? As a depth psychologist and experienced practitioner of non-monogamy, I've seen firsthand how challenging it can be to identify,...

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Dealing with Resentment in Non-Monogamous Relationships Jul 06, 2024

5 minute read

When Relationship Desires Clash

As a depth psychologist specializing in non-monogamy, one of the most common questions I receive is, "How do I deal with the resentment I feel because my partner wants a different relationship style than I really want?" This is a heavy question that...

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Navigating Desire Discrepancy in Non-Monogamous Relationships Jun 29, 2024

4 minute read

Are you struggling with mismatched desires in your non-monogamous relationships? As a depth psychologist and experienced practitioner of non-monogamy, I've seen firsthand how challenging it can be when partners' wants and needs don't align. But don't worry – with open...

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Cultivate Compersion in Your Relationships Jun 22, 2024

3 minute read

Compersion, the mystical beast of all emotions, an antidote to jealousy, a pleasurable feeling of joy for your partner’s joy… how do you get there? 

If you treat compersion as something that just happens to you magically, it may never arrive, but compersion expert...

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Rebuilding Trust and Exploring Non-Monogamy: Lessons from Betrayal Jun 15, 2024

4 minute read

Navigating the emotional landscapes of relationships after experiencing betrayal is a complex journey, and one that cannot be skipped when exploring non-monogamous relationship structures. The meaning you’ve made from past experiences with betrayal is worthy of attention. ...

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ACT Therapy for Non-monogamous People with guest expert Dr. River Farrell, PsyD Jun 01, 2024

3 minute read

Exploring Non-Monogamy: Insights and Guidance from Episode 154 of the "Playing with Fire" Podcast

In the diverse landscape of relationships, non-monogamy often emerges wrapped in misconceptions and a dearth of informed research. Episode 154 of the "Playing with Fire"...

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Limerence vs. New Relationship Energy May 25, 2024

3 minute read

Have you ever had really strong feelings for someone— so strong that they took over your brain (and maybe even your life)? That kind of obsession can be super exciting, but it can also have big consequences on the rest of your life.

Limerence and New Relationship Energy (NRE)...

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Taking a productive break in your relationship May 18, 2024

3 minute read

Relationship stress? Learn how to take strategic breaks

When navigating the intricate dynamics of non-monogamous and polyamorous relationships, the tension can sometimes mount to overwhelming levels. Constant communication, while often beneficial, can also escalate stress if not...

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What is Justice Jealousy? May 11, 2024

4 minute read

It’s an awesome summer night. You’re feelin’ that sweet wave of compersion, excited that your partner has met someone new and things are feeling stable in your non-monogamous adventure right now.  Then they surprised their new flame with a weekend getaway....

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Making fair agreements in polyamory and non-monogamy May 04, 2024

4 minute read

“We just want to make sure we stay on the same page. You know, things are fair,” Kevin said. With a smooth tone and an easy smile, he joked with me about how this would protect his future with his wife. He was confident that keeping things even-steven in their...

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Relationship Agreements 101 Apr 27, 2024

4 minute read

You already have relationship agreements. But do they work? Most don’t. Thousands of conversations over the past fifteen years have made it clear that most agreements are vague, implicit, and just waiting to cause disappointment. 

 Establishing clear, intentional...

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