How to Talk About the Big Stuff in Your Relationship Even If You’re Scared Jun 25, 2022

~ 3 minute read time ~

Focus on Changing the Rules (Wait, Joli, I thought you weren’t into rules?)


Talking about the big stuff with your partner brings a great opportunity to change the rules in your relationship. Although I don’t love rules-based relationships, most of us ...

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Are YOU ready to open your relationship happily? Jun 22, 2022

~3 minute (total) read & activity~


I’ve scoured the earth, the books, the therapists’ offices, the universities, the internet, the gurus… 


And I can tell you this: opening your relationship can be complicated. 


I’m a HUGE fan of...

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Does your quiz funnel make you feel like a good human being? Jun 19, 2022

~ 2 minute read ~

If you’re an online business owner, you’ve probably spent countless hours trying to figure out the best way to bring new leads in the door. When I owned brick and mortar businesses (I owned a couple of different CrossFit gyms) the puzzle was literally about how to...

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Choosing Polyamory While Raising a Family Jun 19, 2022

In season 6, episode 70 of the Project Relationship podcast we talk with Megan Bhatia from the Amory podcast about our different polyamory journeys, our experiences with family as polyamorous people, and parenting outside the monogamous paradigm. 

The following transcript was generated by...

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You’re Not Crazy for Wanting an Open Relationship May 13, 2022

Advice on Exploring Non-Monogamy

~ 3 minute read ~

Although venturing outside of monogamy can feel a bit scary at first, there are so many ways to make it fun! It’s natural to be nervous about trying something new, especially something that flies in the face of what you learned growing up.

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How to Deal with Jealousy Apr 29, 2022

~ 3 minute read ~

Jealousy is an uncomfortable feeling. But, like other emotions that cause discomfort, jealousy has its own wisdom. Instead of trying to push jealousy away, I’m going to teach you how to embrace it.

Many of us are tempted to label jealousy as a negative emotion instantly....

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How to Feel More Compersion Apr 22, 2022

~ 6 minute read ~

What is compersion

Compersion, a term first coined by polyamorists in the 1990s, is a feeling of joy for another person’s joy. Compersion was first meant to describe a feeling of generosity and joy when our romantic partner is experiencing joy with another partner....

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Who Started It - The Decision to Open Up Apr 17, 2022

~  23 min read ~

How did we get where we are? What stories do we tell each other (and ourselves) about the decisions that got us here? In season 5, episode 66 of the Project Relationship podcast we dig into how the way we remember and tell our stories affects the way we view our...

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The #1 Mistake People Make Going from Monogamy to Non-monogamy Apr 15, 2022

~ 4 minute read ~

YAY! You’ve decided to join the cool kids and venture outside the monogamy box.


This is going to be fun.


You’re learning new vocab–polyamory, compersion, metamour, polycule. You’ve got a fresh take on what your relationship boundaries are....

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Designer Relationships: A Brief Intro to Exploring Beyond Monogamy Apr 08, 2022

From the cover of Vogue to a subplot of Schitt’s Creek, practically everywhere you look these days, you can see the edges of relationships that stray from typical rom-com style monogamy. Maybe non-monogamy sounds risky to you. Maybe you’ve never really thought about it much. But...

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Do Open Marriages Work? Feb 05, 2022

Just give it to me, Joli, do open marriages work…really?

Well, No. 

And, also….yes. To understand if opening your marriage can work, we need to dig deeper.


What was on your mind when you typed this question into your browser for the first time? For me, it was after...

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