Does your quiz funnel make you feel like a good human being?

Jun 19, 2022
woman shrugging her shoulders with a look on her face that says โ€œwell, how do you feel?โ€

~ 2 minute read ~

If you’re an online business owner, you’ve probably spent countless hours trying to figure out the best way to bring new leads in the door. When I owned brick and mortar businesses (I owned a couple of different CrossFit gyms) the puzzle was literally about how to get folks in the door. But online- where is the door exactly?  

Online, that door is a sale funnel. And I learned quickly that there are some skeevy ways to try to get a load of people into that funnel.


But no matter how much I want new leads, if I don’t stay in integrity with my values, I don’t see any point to being in business.


So when I consider a new angle on the sales funnel, the first thing I gut-check is “Does this let me offer sound, research-informed information to people?” 

If not, I ditch it because I am committed to helping people experience life with more psychological safety… yes, even in my sales funnels. Especially in my sales funnels. 

  1. Because I aim to be an ethical human.
  2. Because my work is intensely intimate.


See, my niche is tight. I help couples who’ve already built a life they love experience the freedom, deep security and intimate fulfillment that comes when they shift from monogamy to polyamory. 


Yeah- it’s not an offer for everyone.

But a lot of folks imagine that this means I want everyone to be polyamorous.


Or that I think everyone is ready for an open relationship if they just “figure some stuff out.”  

Double nope.

My core business value is that relationships can and should be designed to suit the people in them. That means monogamy for lots of people and I love that for them.

But for those of us who want something off the standard menu? I’m here to help you make that a reality without trashing the life you love.

So how do I help those who really are ready to take this adventure get to know me and my services AND help those who aren’t ready know that it’s okay to not jump on the bandwagon just because polyamory is the smexy word of the moment?

A quiz funnel.

I was hesitant to try a quiz funnel at first because I didn’t understand that there is software that could help me craft a quiz that really helps people get clear on their next step in exploring open relationships. 

When I found Interact, that changed. 

I had tried to make a quiz before using the same type of software I use for making tests for my university classes. It was gross. I could either take the easier route of skipping branching logic and everyone would have the same experience, regardless of their needs. Or I could wrestle with clunky, obnoxiously obtuse UI that seemed designed to drive me mad just to get the barest of customization going.

When Interact was recommended, I expected to find the same crappy options.

I was completely wrong.


Using the Interact software was uber-simple, even though I’m only average in the tech department.


I figured I’d have to ask my software developer husband for help, but nope—not even once.


Within a matter of hours I had a first draft quiz ready AND it had branching logic that made me feel great about how people would flow through their experience quickly. And the branching logic tool was completely intuitive, no techy-husband required!

The quiz resulted in having a full-capacity masterclass conversion event in just a few days with no ads, just a few social media posts- without a huge following to draw from.

The best part is that I’ve had genuine conversations with about a dozen quiz-takers since the launch two weeks ago and people felt helped by their results. They reported feeling like their result was accurate and that they now knew what their next step was in exploring options for opening up. One even said that the quiz probably saved them a year of therapy because she slowed down and got some help getting her current relationship ready before hopping on a dating app.

I could go on, but I’ve got an idea for my next quiz, drawn right out of my dissertation research so I’m gonna go get on that!

If you decide to try Interact for making your own quiz by clicking the link in this article, I get a little something, just wanted you to know.

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